Know the correct rules of sleep

 Know the correct rules of sleep

As the saying goes, sleep is heaven on earth.  However, if the amount of sleep is too much, there is no heaven.  On the other hand, not enough sleep is harmful to health.  So there are ideal rules of sleep in medicine.

 Too much sleep can lead to diabetes and major heart problems in the body.  Moreover, it also increases the risk of death.  Doctors always recommend 7-8 hours of sleep for an adult to stay healthy. Studies have shown that less sleep leads to decreased performance and depression.  So there is no substitute for moderate sleep to stay healthy.

 According to US research, both lack of sleep and excess sleep lead to various problems including heart disease, obesity, anxiety.  In addition, the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure also increases. Research on about 50,000 people shows that insufficient sleep affects both physical and mental aspects of people.  This leads to cardiovascular disease and obesity.  However, these problems can be eliminated with adequate sleep.  Again, if the level of sleep is high, heart disease, obesity, anxiety and various other problems occur.
Sleep deprivation can cause people to:

 * Diabetes, high blood pressure can nest in your body due to more sleep.
 * Due to excessive sleep, many people also experience pain in the waist and back.

 * Depressed people often sleep more.  Oversleeping increases mental fatigue.
 * Oversleeping doubles heart attack risk.  So if you have a habit of oversleeping, quit it today.

 * Those who sleep for a long time, if they sleep less than one day, they face problems like headache.
 * Sleeping for a long time without walking or any kind of movement is more likely to increase fat.

 * Too little or too much sleep reduces the brain's ability to function.
 * Women who sleep less than five hours or more than nine hours on a regular basis may experience a decline in brain function over two years.

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