Top 12 Health Tips for Good Health


1.  Don't skip breakfast:

 If you want to lose weight, one of the things you can do is to eat breakfast on time.  Skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain.  An example of a healthy breakfast might be: fruit, corn flakes, toast, eggs and milk.

 2.  Brush your teeth properly:

 Many people do not know how to brush properly.  It can cause damage to teeth and gums.  Hold the toothbrush like you would hold a pencil and brush for at least 2 minutes.  Teeth, gums, tongue should be brushed.  Visit the dentist regularly.

 3.  Imitate the cat:

 Do some stretching after waking up in the morning.  Blood circulation will be quick, digestive system will start working and back pain will be reduced.

 4.  Focus on your religion:

 According to a Harvard University study, religious beliefs and activities keep people's minds happy.

 5.  Take onion, garlic:

 Onion, garlic have all the ingredients that are very beneficial for the body.  They lower blood pressure and cholesterol and prevent many diseases.  According to research from the Child Health Institute in Cape Town, raw garlic plays a role in preventing childhood infections.  Their qualities are destroyed by heat.  So it is better to eat raw.

 6.  Bone Care Daily:

 You can get your daily calcium requirement from milk or yogurt.  It will strengthen your bones.  After the age of 30 your restless concentration starts to decrease.  At least 200 mg per day at least.  Calcium is needed.

7.  Consuming spicy foods in moderation:

 Consuming salty, spicy food releases endorphin hormones.  This hormone relieves pain and provides a good feeling after exercise.  However, the intake of extra spicy foods should be kept in moderation.

 8.  Tomatoes to prevent cancer:

 Tomatoes contain lysopene, which helps prevent cancer.  Also, it is rich in vitamin C.  And not only raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes are also very nutritious.

 9.  Adequate Vitamin C intake:

 Every day we need at least 90 mg.  Vitamin C is needed.  Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables fulfills this need.  Oranges and guavas can be good sources of vitamin C.

 10.  Do not neglect folic acid intake:

 People with weak immune system and pregnant women should take folic acid regularly.  Folic acid protects unborn babies from developing spina bifida.  It also has a role in preventing cancer.  Folic acid is found in green vegetables, fruits and liver.

 11.  Vitamin A should not be forgotten:

 Vitamin A and beta carotene strengthen the immune system of the human body.  Notable sources of vitamin A are: liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, mangoes, etc.

 12.  Adequate water intake:

 Soft drinks or energy drinks should not be consumed during exercise.  Instead, drink enough water to keep the body hydrated.  If you drink energy drinks during short exercise sessions at the gym, the body will burn the glucose from the drinks first.  In other words, even after doing difficult exercises, the desired results will not be obtained.

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